The Dhamma


Dhamma is Middle Path (Madhyama Marga), which is neither the path of pleasure nor the path of self mortification.

Foundation and Basis of Dhamma – The recognition of the existence of suffering and to show the way to remove suffering.

Purpose of Dhamma – The world is full of suffering and that how to remove this suffering from the world.

Centre of Dhamma – Man and the relation of man to man in his life on earth.

Dhamma has nothing to do with – God and Soul, life after death, rituals and ceremonies.

Dhamma removes suffering, if followed – 1. The Path of Purity (Panchsheel), 2. The Path of Righteousness (Astanga Marga) and 3, The Path of Vertue (Paramitas).

The Path of Purity (Panchsheel) –

1. Not to injure or kill
2. Not to steal or appropriate to oneself anything which belongs to other.
3. Not to speak untruth.
4. Not to indulge in lust.
5. Not to indulge in intoxicating drinks.

The Path of Righteousness –

1. Right Views (Samma Ditti) (Astanga Marga)

2. Right Aims (Samma Sankappo)
3. Right Speech (Samma Vacca)
4. Right Behaviour (Samma Kamanto)
5. Right Earning (Samma Ajivo)
6. Right Endeavour (Samma Vyayamo)
7. Right Mindfulness (Samma Satti)
8. Right Concentration (Samma Samadhi)

The Path of Virtue (Paramitas) –

1. Sila (Fear of doing wrong)
2. Dana(Giving of one’s possessions)
3. Uppekha(Detachment)
4. Nekkhama(Renunciation of pleasures)
5. Virya(Endeavour)
6. Khanti(Forbearance)
8. Adhithana(Resolute determination)
9. Karuna (Loving kindness to human being)
10.Maitri (Fellow feeling to all beings)

Dhamma is essentially and fundamentally Social. Dhamma is Morality and Morality is Dhamma.